Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Hello there!

...and welcome to my new blog! You may know me from over at Love, Inspire, Teach, a blog where I write about my experiences as a new middle school Language Arts teacher. I really enjoy writing about teaching, content, and classroom management, but it occured to me, not long ago, that I needed to have a blog where I could express mySELF a little more.  At Love, Inspire, Teach, I get to talk about a lot of my thoughts and ideas as a teacher, but I don't get to share all of the other things that make me UNIQUE.

So please, come back and visit soon! I have been very busy this summer (one of the perks of being a teacher... summer vacation!) and can't wait to share some of the projects I've been working on, reviews of some books that I've read, and some of the recipes I've used!

Until then,