Saturday, September 15, 2012

It's FALL!

I've taken a hiatus from the blogging world for the past few weeks while I've been getting used to being a full time teacher.  Okay... I've taken a hiatus from just about everything other than lesson planning, grading, and other school related things. Until today, my house was a mess, my closet disorganized (if you know me, you know that's a big deal), and the fridge empty.  I have literally come home many a night and had a bowl of Cheerios or Apple Jacks and maybe some string cheese and called that dinner. If it wasn't for some of the frozen meals my dad made and sent home with me when I visited last, I wouldn't be able to even tell you the last time I'd had an actual meal. This first year teacher thing is crazy.  I'm putting in about 50-55 hours every week at school, and then, I'm coming home and putting in another couple of hours at home each night.  And want to know what? I'm loving every second of it.  Sure, there are frustrating moments, when because of my inexperience, I can't understand something, but most days are wonderful.

Anyway, back to the messy house. Finally, today I had time to clean.  And I mean deep clean.  The kind of deep clean where you are on your hands and knees scrubbing the floor and every single crevice you can find, kind of clean. It was very therapeutic, actually. A great way to relieve stress. (don't you feel like telling me, "You tell that floor who's boss, Katie!" ??)

And now that my apartment is clean and sparkly, I get to decorate for fall! I absolutely LOVE fall. I love the smells, the colors, and the crisp air. I love apple crisp, apple cider, getting to wear sweaters and scarves and boots, and getting to walk to school without melting!

While I was decorating, I found some Fall silk flowers in a box, so I put together a quick arrangement for my table. Whatdya think?

Notice my cute Fall table runner, too? Now, I just need to replace the scents in my Scentsy warmers to something a little more Fall-like. Right now I have "Fried Ice Cream" which is basically a Vanilla Cinnamon smell, but I'm feeling something more like  Pumpkin Spice or Apple Harvest... Any Scentsy lovers have a suggestion?
'Til Next Time!