Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Wedding Planning, pt 1

I am one of those girls who has been planning her wedding to some extent for her entire life. I had so many ideas and hopes and dreams for this one day. I wanted everything to be perfect, and beautiful, and, did I say, perfect?

...but then I met Steve.  And I soon realized that more than a perfect wedding day, I just wanted to be married to this man who is perfect for me.

So, as we've started putting wedding plans together, I have had a hard time making any decisions. Especially when it comes to small details. (And, for those of you who know me, I am a detail oriented person...) I think I ask Steve at least once a week, "Why are we waiting a whole year? Can't we just run away and get married?" I know in the long run I'll be glad we are planning our special day to be filled with loved ones, family and friends, but I just can't wait to be his wife.

That being said, our wedding is now 361 days away.  That's right, just under one year from the big day! I'm feeling pretty happy with the progress in our planning.  So far, we have most of the big things booked and deposits paid. 

          - The church and officiant (my dad!) are booked.

          - The reception hall and caterer are booked.

          - The photographer is booked and engagement photos are scheduled.

          - The DJ is booked. (And we got a fantastic deal!)

          - The wedding dress shopping weekend is being planned by my mama for the end of
            September.  My aunt and godmother from Georgia is going to come shopping with
            my mom, sister and I, and I can't wait!

Now, we're working on figuring out the honeymoon. We have a pretty good idea of what we're going to do, but nothing is booked or set in stone yet. 

Don't ask me about the small details yet because they are all rumbling around in my head.  Steve is a fantastic, patient man and I fall more in love with him every time he calms my crazy planning self down. I got a good one. ;)

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