Thursday, August 9, 2012

Book Review: The Red Tent

Click on the book cover to go to the Amazon page!

I was recommended this book by quite a few people over the course of the last year and I finally added it to my Summer Reading List.  I was a little bit hesitant because, although I love historical fiction, I'd never read anything based on this time period.  That being said, I am an avid reader and will read anything put in front of me, so when it came down to this book being the last on my list, I dove right in.

...and I mean DOVE right in.  Who knew this book would captivate me the way it did? Who knew I would put this book down only when it was time to eat or sleep or take care of one of those other annoying mandatory tasks and still be thinking about it, totally ensconced in Dinah's world.  When I finished the last page, I was dying to read another similar book, but I've yet to find one that measures up! Any suggestions?? Anyway, on with the review.

The Red Tent follows the lives of women from Biblical times, the wives of Jacob and his only daughter, Dinah.  The novel delves into the turmoil of Dinah's life as it gives it's readers a first hand look into the traditions and practices of women of this time. The story starts with Dinah's mothers Leah, Rachel, Zilpah, and Bilhah, four women each unique in their femininity and their love for Jacob and Dinah. The story follows Dinah through her life filled with hardships and happiness until her death.  The Red Tent is a beautiful story, rich with biblical tales woven together with stories of Diamant's imagination. 

"Like any sisters who live together and share a husband, my mother and aunties spun a sticky web of loyalties and grudges. They traded secrets like bracelets, and these were handed down to me, the only surviving girl. They told me things I was too young to hear. They held my face between their hands and made me swear to remember." Anita Diamant in the voice of Dinah.

The Final Say:
If you like historical fiction, this book is a must read! It is so well written, you almost forget that you are being taken to such an ancient world.  I must say though, it is important to remember, as with any historical fiction, that though this novel is loosely based on biblical stories, it is not fact.  As a matter of fact, I think Dinah is just quickly mentioned in the book of Genesis, so most of her story is completely fictitious. There are also some parts of the story that made me a bit squeemish.  You know when you're watching a movie and something gross or super inappropriate happens and you squeeze your eyes shut until it's over? (Okay, maybe that's just me...) There were definitely quite a few of those instances in this novel.  You go along with Dinah while she experiences many rites of passage into womanhood and they are pretty archaic.  That being said, there are also plenty of heartwarming moments throughout the story of mothers' and daughter's love, so it evens out.  Overall, a wonderful story, one that I would definitely recommend!

Okay, so what are you waiting for?? Go read it!  

Happy Reading!

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