Friday, August 10, 2012

My new HOME tour

I've been moved into my apartment for just about a week now and it's starting to feel like home! There are still a lot of things I want to do (decor and organization wise), but I thought I would FINALLY post some pictures so my loved ones far away could get a little glimpse.
...PS: don't think that just because I'm posting pictures means you don't have to come visit me!! It looks way better in person, I promise!..
WARNING: there are going to be a LOT of pictures in this post... so prepare yourself.

The Living Room: When you walk into the apartment, the living room is immediately to your left.
It's pretty eclectic and unique, but I absolutely love it! It's definitely me. It's been so fun decorating and putting things where I want, not having to consult with anyone else! There are a lot of  pieces in this room that were from my grandparents' house. It's awesome to have some of these constant reminders of some of my favorite people in my living room.  The wall art is from Bed, Bath, and Beyond and the curtains are from Target.

Both the TV cabinet and chair were from my grandparents' house.  The pillow, candles, and wordart are all from TJ MAXX.
The Kitchen: The kitchen is ahead and to your right from the front door (but to the left of the picture below).  I didn't take any pictures of the actual kitchen because it is still a mega work in progress.  So stay tuned.
I'm still trying to figure out what I want to put over the table... so this is a work in progress as well.

The Bathroom: The hallway is straight in front of the front door. 
The door on the left is for the office/spare bedroom. The door straight ahead is my bedroom and the door on the right is to the world's smallest bathroom. :)
Yes, that is Real. Simple. Soap. on my counter!! Thanks, Val!

The Spare Bedroom/ Office:

And finally,
The Master Bedroom: This has been the most fun for me, but it is still unfinished as well.  Here's what it looks like so far!

My dad and I refinished all of my bedroom furniture this summer, so it is now all black and matching! I'm in love with it!
My new curtains are from Target and the wall art I've had for a few years, but it came from Pier One.
One of the pieces of furniture Dad and I redid.  My grandpa built this nightstand for my mom way back when and it's been in my bedroom for my whole life! You can also see the refinished headboard as well!
The other side of the bedroom.   The door straight ahead is to my beautiful, wonderul, perfectly HUGE closet. Can you tell I'm excited about it??

And now, the pièce de résistance.... my closet. Keep in mind that there are still a LOT of organizational things I want to do in here!
I ran out of hangers, so my winter clothes aren't hung up yet.  It will be so nice to have all of my clothes nice and organized! 
It's been so fun organizing all of my things, putting them in place.  I finally get to have all of my hats laid out, my necklaces hung up and my headbands all in one place!
There's this great cabinet in the closet, I can finally have everything easily accessible! Remember how I said I've been having so much fun organizing? See those ice trays on the second shelf? I had a few of them sitting around, so they became...
Earring holders!!!

So, there ya have it! Home, Sweet Home! Who's going to come visit me first??

'Til then,


  1. Looks so good Katie! Good luck with your first year as a teacher!!! You'll do so great! :)

  2. OMG Katie! It looks fabulous! Love the bedding and the yellow in the dinning room!

    P.S.-totally jealous <3 ya!

  3. I laughed to myself a couple of times reading through this....

    1. In the picture of your living room you've got that cute little foot rest. :)

    2. In your bathroom you have my mom's soap

    3. The photo on your nightstand is of you and Anna. You really need a dog to put a photo of them on there too. I could send you one of Olive in the mean time!

    4. And your closet. In typical Katharine fashion, everything is organized. You ran out of hangers?!? Geez. Must mean you need some old teacherish-type sweaters with seasonal designs on them as well.

    1. Haha :)
      1. I think of you everytime I use that footrest!!
      2. What other kind of soap would I have? :)
      3. I do need a dog. That is currently the only complaint I have about this apartment... that I can't have dogs. Wait, I also complain about the hallway smelling like old people.In the mean time, I would gladly display a picture of Olivegirl in my home. Right now, Addison is on my fridge! :) Did you notice the photo on my dresser of us? From your bridal shower?
      4. No, no teacherish sweaters for AT LEAST another 40 years.

  4. I can't see the photo on your dresser clear enough!

    Don't worry, I'll make sure you get a teacher sweater soon.
